Balled Up Plastic Bags …to Provide Extra Cushioning

This article by GloveKniting was featured in High Quality Knitting Machines publication on June 26, 2018. “Just Another Site.” Thank you Glove Knitting for writing about taking care of the environment and pointing to Excellent Poly.

Article: Balled Up Plastic Bags are a Great Way to Provide Extra Cushioning

The following represent a series of tips from environmentally conscious individuals who are on the front lines of the battle to save the planet ‘ and how they incorporate these helpful products in safe, constructive ways. In fact, just as more and more plastic bag manufacturers are finding ways to make their products more ‘green’ so too are end users beginning to pitch in by reusing their bags and reinventing their purpose in everyday life. Thawing beef or chicken can make a mess and may even become a health hazard if left on countertops.

  • Use them as garbage bags around the house.
  • Keep plastic bags in your today!
  • Cut the plastic bag into rectangular strips and affix them tightly to the bottom of your shelves for a shelf liner that protects wood or other construction materials over time.
  • Use plastic bags again on return trips to the grocery.Using plastic bags does not need to be a drag on the environment.
  • Use plastic bags to thaw frozen meat. When traveling about town with your dog, you don’t want to be caught without a way to cleanly and conveniently pick up their waste. This will make cleanup a breeze and keep your kitchen safe from bacteria. Ask anyone with kids or a long commute (or both!) and they’ll tell you that their car gets messy fast. Here’s a tip that people around the country have already begun to adopt.

Excellent Poly is one of the country’s premier manufacturers of plastic bags. And if you are storing valuable items in a musty, damp place, wrap your possessions in the bags before you seal up the box for an extra layer of protection against the elements.

Plastic bags can be a useful part of daily life.excellentpoly. Instead, place the frozen food inside a plastic bag and put it in a safe place to thaw.*

  • Turn them into shelf liners. At Excellent Poly, businesses of all sizes and from all industries can choose between a variety of custom made and non printed bags to meet their specific needs. Plastic handle bags rest easily on any doorknob or hook and can be used as small, temporary garbage bags for areas that produce a higher than average amount of waste. When you get home from the grocery store, simply find a convenient location around the house to store your plastic grocery bags ‘ then bring them with you the next time you shop!
  • Use the bags as packing or storage materials. Keeping a few plastic shopping bags in the car will help make quick clean up chores easy ‘ and make the Computerized Glove Knitting Machine ride that much more pleasant. Store them in the glove box or in your trunk for convenience. Slip a plastic bag over your hand and you’ve got a hygienic way to handle this rather unavoidable part of being a dog owner.
  • Use them to pick up pet waste. Balled up plastic bags are a great way to provide extra cushioning in a package you need to send in the mail. And if we all pitch in to find innovative ways to help them last longer, it will minimize their impact on the environment (while making our lives easier to boot!).

To see some of Excellent Poly’s bag products, go to our Products page and contact us at 877-768-6555.